Monday, February 22, 2010

Did you get your Spayghetti Bib On?

This past Saturday night was a night to remember. The Moose Lodge was packed, not with gianormous animals, but a seemingly record turn out crowd of Kenoshans and Pleasants to support The Safe Harbor Humane Society. It was our local shelters annual fundraiser "Spayghetti Dinner" and if I can trust my intuition, it was a success.
Our shelter is near and dear to my heart as it's the shelter of choice for our NAPPS Presents 4 Pets drive, where last year, as a community of pet sitting clients and friends raised close to $1500 in products and cash. As always, this was much appreciated and needed.
For those of you reading who aren't residents of Kenosha or surrounding towns, think about your local shelter and what you can do to support it. If you can give them $5, it will help keep their lights on, help rescue, feed and house a lost or stray pet while this precious soul awaits his or her forever home. If you have the room and heart to take in another pet-even better. Adopt. There are plenty of animals who need homes who could use a nice tender hug this time of year, and nothing is better than the unconditional love from an animal. I guarantee you that the trendy handbag you covet will be out of style in 3 nanoseconds, but the love of your pet will never, ever go out of style.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Want to get "Energized"? Go and see Avatar

I'm pretty sure that I am the one billionth person to write about the movie "Avatar" and how it affected me, but I wanted to speak about how it affected the way I love my pets.
For those pet parents who have yet to see the movie, I urge you to invest the 3 hours (and $3 extra for the 3-D glasses.) I was quite skeptical in going to see it, as I'm not a big fan of James Cameron (I really may be the only person who didn't LOVE Titanic.....correct me if I'm wrong) or sci-fi, but this snapped me out of it.
The premise for the movie is good against evil, but the spiritual side of it was so prevalent that it hooked me in like white on rice. Being a spiritual person myself, and not necessarily being a big fan of organized religion, it spoke loudly to me.
What blew me away was the concept of channeling energy between the animals and the "avatars". This was done in a way where the avatar would take his/her braid, entwine it with the animal in such a way that it acted like a current of combustible energy, so each creature could read the others heart, mind and soul concurrently.
Getting back to being a pet parent-boy, do I wish we could do this on planet earth-not just Pandora. I feel connected to my pets, especially one in particular, who seems to know my very thoughts. She probably does. and I am working hard at trying to "hear" her.
Since seeing the movie, I've taken even more time to connect to my own animals energies and vibes. I am looking deeper into their eyes, touching them behind the ears to show my love, and reaching out to them to accompany my every step so they know how deeply in love I am with them. My one dog in particular, Jessie seems delighted in this and is even closer than before.