Yesterday will be a day for the books of Wisconsin Pet Care. Our dog, Jackson Brown, also known as the Fielders Best Friend, caught the first pitch at Bark at The Park day! And the best thing is, he actually caught the ball! Fans cheered as he grabbed at the pitch and I couldn't have been more proud!
The day was filled with fun-I had volunteers help with collecting for the Safe Harbor Humane Society and Kindred Kitties, both in Kenosha. We simply went up to people, begged, pouted and guilted them into submission. Those of you in our area, not to worry, your turn at guilting will be coming shortly.
I followed all the advice from professionals-go door to door, ask neighbors if they have seen him, post LOST CAT REWARD signs, go to the shelters daily and see if he was found, and I even called our microchip company. The animal communicator told us that we needed to visualize him coming home where he usually entered, visualize his return. We did it all. The neighbors did the same. He was lost.
Last night around 9:45 I returned home from my last sit of the night and I got a call from my husband. Strange, I thought he was upstairs sleeping. What is my husband doing out-he needed to walk our pups. “Guess who’s in the car?” You can imagine, I didn’t even have any idea that my husband was gone, let alone try to play games. “Mr. Widget” he said. I started to scream-how, where, who? “I’ll fill you in when we get home.” Sweet, sweet music to my ears. Mr. Widget was coming home. I started doing my happy dance-my poodles joined in. Finally. I could breathe again.
Mr. Widget, who lives in Allendale was found at the home of Ron Suokko on 22nd Ave and 23rd Street. Huh? Four to five miles-how did that happen? Why did he wander so far? Was it done on paws, or did he sneak a ride with someone-did someone take him and drop him off-what? Ron told me this morning that Mr. Widget had spoken to him to take him in; to help him. I believe it, as our communicators told us to visualize it, and that they would send white light to guide him. Ron saw the light and responded.
Just to let every pet owner know, Mr. Widget wears four tags-his rabies, his ID tag, his microchip tag and his Help4Pets tag. He also has a microchip. All could have pointed him to us, but the importance of tagging any pet-indoor or outdoor is imperative to attempt to get a lost pet home. The rate of return, sadly, in cats is 2%. We were lucky, blessed, and clearly, the universe wanted him home.
Meeting a kind soul such as Ron, having Mr. Widget home again, and believing that anything can happen has once again restored my faith in the people of Kenosha. Ron-a huge hug for helping us.
I have posted signs for you. I've gone to the shelter, daily, to look for you. I've offered rewards for you. I've received numerous phone calls of sightings for you. I've walked around the neighborhood, calling your name. I've cried for you, and boy, I've missed you.
And you are gone.
You haven't returned.
My heart breaks.
Dixie's heart breaks.
But I've seen you.
A low, light streak around the floor.
A shadow, showing me your spirit lives on.
An appearance under the dining table; your nesting spot.