For those of you who have read the past blog about Jessie Mae, we have an update. Good news, no worries.
A little background....Jessie is our first rescue dog, hopefully not our last. She came to our home at age 8 and now is a robust 14. Yes, diet and exercise and love are all part and parcel of her success, but I strongly believe that Lake Michigan has an awful lot to do with it, too.
I decided, after being hospitalized in April that I wasn't going to hit the gym quite as hard as I have been-after all, some days I walk a good ten miles with my charges. Enough is enough. I decided to take my pups for a daily run along the beach and I get to do one of my favorite hobbies-collect sea glass. (What I'll do with my collection is beyond me, but its harmless, good clean fun) Jessie Mae, Jackson and Dixie run the beach, get wet and tuckered and are sometimes joined by friends Fritz the black lab or Wyatt the pit mix. Jessie runs with me. What amazes me about her is she actually RUNS..swims, chases sticks and has a happy smile on her face. For the brief time we are there, her aches and pains subside and she is a puppy again. Perhaps its the soft sand cushioning her pads and legs, which, unfortunately are taking a turn for the worse, but as long as she is able, I will be running the beach with her.
Getting older doesn't have to be a demise....it can get better and in Jessie's case, I believe it has. Because she is active and having fun, I'm happy to oblige. Plus, I get to find that red piece which I so covet!
While I was reading this blog I became aware of how we can learn an important lesson here. Jessie and Lori are models for the rest of us no matter what species we are. We all have things that bring us peace in our lives. Dogs depend on us to help them have those things. Lori you are giving Jessie what she loves and it brings her that peace. That peace gives her a strength that comes from within. Her happiness is fulfilled and her body feels comfort. What a wonderful thought for the rest of us. Collecting beach glass is awesome. I have another friend who has collected it for many years. He has gone to beaches all over the world and collected it. It brings him peace and in today's world we can all use it. So yes we all are getting older by the minute and thank you Lori & Jessie Mae for teaching us to add years to our lives by doing what we love!