Yesterday, my husband Wes and I enjoyed being part of a tag team of drivers in helping to rescue three pups.
The three pups came from a kill shelter in GA-south of Atlanta. Their trek started early on Saturday morning and ended yesterday-safety arriving in their respective foster homes. Three started-a cocker mix (who landed in Kokomo, IN) a white GSD and a mutt of unknown variety. We took the GSD and the unknown variety to meet the last leg of the trip, and the second to the last leg of the trip. As always, we had a fleeting crush on our passengers.....especially Willow, one of the sweetest girls we have yet to come across-either as a rescue or in my pet sitting business.
Not to get on my soap box, but what I find unbelievable is, every time we do this and we tell people, people ALWAYS say "I've never heard of such a thing." People, unfortunately have no idea how many animals are euthanized each year. Want to take a guess? 5-6 million that we are aware of. People have no idea about Petfinder.com. People still seem to think that the only opportunity to rescue an animal is by going to the local shelter-but how do we educate the public to make them aware of Petfinder and the thousands of nationwide rescue groups/people/volunteers who would give up a portion of their nights, weekends and so on to get that ONE animal to a loving forever home?
Another thing I learned yesterday is the term "Foster Failure." No, that doesn't mean that we failed as fosters to care for a dog in need....it simply means that we failed to give up the foster to someone else, keeping it for ourselves. Heck, we didn't even foster-our first ever transport is our 14 year old Jessie Mae!
So-folks. Help me spread the word. Adopt. Help. Rescue. Volunteer.
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