Monday, August 23, 2010

Jackson Brown Makes His Debut with the Lake County Fielders!

Yesterday will be a day for the books of Wisconsin Pet Care. Our dog, Jackson Brown, also known as the Fielders Best Friend, caught the first pitch at Bark at The Park day! And the best thing is, he actually caught the ball! Fans cheered as he grabbed at the pitch and I couldn't have been more proud!

The day was filled with fun-I had volunteers help with collecting for the Safe Harbor Humane Society and Kindred Kitties, both in Kenosha. We simply went up to people, begged, pouted and guilted them into submission. Those of you in our area, not to worry, your turn at guilting will be coming shortly.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

THERE IS GOOD IN THE WORLD...he was found!

He was missing for 9 days. Our cat was lost.

I followed all the advice from professionals-go door to door, ask neighbors if they have seen him, post LOST CAT REWARD signs, go to the shelters daily and see if he was found, and I even called our microchip company. The animal communicator told us that we needed to visualize him coming home where he usually entered, visualize his return. We did it all. The neighbors did the same. He was lost.

Last night around 9:45 I returned home from my last sit of the night and I got a call from my husband. Strange, I thought he was upstairs sleeping. What is my husband doing out-he needed to walk our pups. “Guess who’s in the car?” You can imagine, I didn’t even have any idea that my husband was gone, let alone try to play games. “Mr. Widget” he said. I started to scream-how, where, who? “I’ll fill you in when we get home.” Sweet, sweet music to my ears. Mr. Widget was coming home. I started doing my happy dance-my poodles joined in. Finally. I could breathe again.

Mr. Widget, who lives in Allendale was found at the home of Ron Suokko on 22nd Ave and 23rd Street. Huh? Four to five miles-how did that happen? Why did he wander so far? Was it done on paws, or did he sneak a ride with someone-did someone take him and drop him off-what? Ron told me this morning that Mr. Widget had spoken to him to take him in; to help him. I believe it, as our communicators told us to visualize it, and that they would send white light to guide him. Ron saw the light and responded.

Just to let every pet owner know, Mr. Widget wears four tags-his rabies, his ID tag, his microchip tag and his Help4Pets tag. He also has a microchip. All could have pointed him to us, but the importance of tagging any pet-indoor or outdoor is imperative to attempt to get a lost pet home. The rate of return, sadly, in cats is 2%. We were lucky, blessed, and clearly, the universe wanted him home.

Meeting a kind soul such as Ron, having Mr. Widget home again, and believing that anything can happen has once again restored my faith in the people of Kenosha. Ron-a huge hug for helping us.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Saying Goodbye to a Friend

My heart breaks.

I have posted signs for you. I've gone to the shelter, daily, to look for you. I've offered rewards for you. I've received numerous phone calls of sightings for you. I've walked around the neighborhood, calling your name. I've cried for you, and boy, I've missed you.

And you are gone.

You haven't returned.

My heart breaks.

Dixie's heart breaks.

But I've seen you.

A low, light streak around the floor.

A shadow, showing me your spirit lives on.

An appearance under the dining table; your nesting spot.

Your smell. Still on the blanket where you slept.

My heart breaks.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

From Mr. Widgets Perspective

I (notice I'm not using 'we") adopted a lovely friend from the SHHS this past February and found that as much as I loved her, realized that the situation wasn't ideal. Our male standard poodle thought of her as prey and spent a great deal of his day figuring out how to capture her. His behavior made it literally impossible to relax-for everyone involved. Because of this, and wanting to do the right thing, I released her from her solitude in the basement to a cool couple who bonded instantly with her.

I adopted her originally because she was so effervescently friendly and gorgeous. She wanted nothing more than to sit on your lap and be stroked, loved and adored. Jackson, our poodle, wanted nothing of this and made it known that under no certain circumstances would this be tolerated. He barked so loudly and endlessly that it was so tense around here that it could be cut with a knife.

So, I did what felt like the right thing and began looking, quietly, for a new home. One of my new customers told me that her daughter was looking and I called her, she came two days later with hubby in tow and Shazam-instant love. On both Karma's and the Clark's part.

But I forgot one small thing.

Mr. Widget.

Our resident cat who also took a shine to her and I enjoyed seeing the relationship grow from snarls to love and exuberant playtime. Even though she lived in our basement, she wasn't alone-she had the best company with her boyfriend Mr. Widget. They did a lot of things together, but Mr. Widget couldn't protect her from the big brown beast living upstairs.

Never for one second did I consider Mr. Widgets feelings. Here, he had a friend, the same species and the same habits, and had formed a bond with her. Selfishly, I had taken that friend away from him. Now I question if I did the right thing or not. For the overall energy in the family, yes, but today, I see Mr. Widget not being himself. Clearly, he is depressed. He's been sleeping all day and Mr. Widget is generally the first out and the last one in. Go figure.

Advice. Consider the entire family before acting. There are bonds we, as humans don't see, but when they are no longer there, they are as plain as day.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

How Could I Have Done That?

As I laid awake this morning at 4 am, I was thinking about the animals under my charge, thinking about past animals and other things..... but I was also thinking about nutrition. Yeah. A funny subject at 4 am. But we all do things at the wee hours of the morning that we don't normally think about.

To change the subject a minute, I had the pleasure of spending 11 years with a gorgeous grey cat named Leo. The minute I saw him I was in love. Perhaps even more so than the former fiance who owned him. Leo was a gracious, tall, lanky domestic short hair with more canine qualities than feline. He used to greet guests at the door as well as go up to each dinner guest and beg for food. He could give a look that appeared that he was undernourished, rarely fed and down right pitiful. Perhaps, in his way, he was.

I grew up thinking that commercial diets such as Iams and Science Diet were "superior" and that I was doing the right thing by putting bowls of dry food out for Leo. I mean really, with a name like Science Diet, one thinks that chemical masterminds have concocted the worlds most nutritious food for our companion animals, don't we? I firmly believed, because my vet told me, that feeding Leo this food would guarantee a long, healthy life.

I failed miserably.

About two years before Leo's death, he started vomiting daily-a bile which the vet said was "normal for his age." She told me to feed him his daily diet of dry food and sometimes wet.

I failed miserably for my sweet Leo.

After years of research and asking a lot of questions from my NAPPS camraderie, I've come to find out that it would have been better for Leo if I had been feeding him off of my plate instead of the cardboard like nuggets that Science Diet was putting out. With the nutrition equal to styrofoam, Leo would have been better off with cans of tuna placed at his paws. Instead, I believed that he was eating a balanced meal.

Friends and others who are reading this. Do your Leo a favor. Cats survive in the wild on what they catch. They don't hunt corn stalks. They don't hunt sheathes of wheat. They hunt juicy, gorey, bloodly animals to get their protien and their water. By giving a cat kibble, aside from the premium brands which are freeze dried proteins and veggies, you are literally cutting your companion cats lives by a third aside from causing a whole tuna boat load of issues.

I have two companion cats now who will no more touch commercial kibble than I will ever have the pleasure of meeting Johnny Depp. While I'd love to one, day, unless he moves to Kenosha Wisconsin and has animals he needs taking care of, the chances are slim to none. The Deppster hopefully has the smarts to feed them fresh fish or sardines, on his income. I'll stick with Innova or Felidae.

I love my animals so much that I would place myself in front of a moving vehicle to save them. I hope you feel equally as strong about yours, and if you do, research what they are eating. The diatribe that the commercial food companies feed us untrue. The best diet for any animal is the diet that is closest to their natural prey diet-plenty of proteins, water and plants.

Feel free to comment if you disagree. I'm open for discussion.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Did you get your Spayghetti Bib On?

This past Saturday night was a night to remember. The Moose Lodge was packed, not with gianormous animals, but a seemingly record turn out crowd of Kenoshans and Pleasants to support The Safe Harbor Humane Society. It was our local shelters annual fundraiser "Spayghetti Dinner" and if I can trust my intuition, it was a success.
Our shelter is near and dear to my heart as it's the shelter of choice for our NAPPS Presents 4 Pets drive, where last year, as a community of pet sitting clients and friends raised close to $1500 in products and cash. As always, this was much appreciated and needed.
For those of you reading who aren't residents of Kenosha or surrounding towns, think about your local shelter and what you can do to support it. If you can give them $5, it will help keep their lights on, help rescue, feed and house a lost or stray pet while this precious soul awaits his or her forever home. If you have the room and heart to take in another pet-even better. Adopt. There are plenty of animals who need homes who could use a nice tender hug this time of year, and nothing is better than the unconditional love from an animal. I guarantee you that the trendy handbag you covet will be out of style in 3 nanoseconds, but the love of your pet will never, ever go out of style.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Want to get "Energized"? Go and see Avatar

I'm pretty sure that I am the one billionth person to write about the movie "Avatar" and how it affected me, but I wanted to speak about how it affected the way I love my pets.
For those pet parents who have yet to see the movie, I urge you to invest the 3 hours (and $3 extra for the 3-D glasses.) I was quite skeptical in going to see it, as I'm not a big fan of James Cameron (I really may be the only person who didn't LOVE Titanic.....correct me if I'm wrong) or sci-fi, but this snapped me out of it.
The premise for the movie is good against evil, but the spiritual side of it was so prevalent that it hooked me in like white on rice. Being a spiritual person myself, and not necessarily being a big fan of organized religion, it spoke loudly to me.
What blew me away was the concept of channeling energy between the animals and the "avatars". This was done in a way where the avatar would take his/her braid, entwine it with the animal in such a way that it acted like a current of combustible energy, so each creature could read the others heart, mind and soul concurrently.
Getting back to being a pet parent-boy, do I wish we could do this on planet earth-not just Pandora. I feel connected to my pets, especially one in particular, who seems to know my very thoughts. She probably does. and I am working hard at trying to "hear" her.
Since seeing the movie, I've taken even more time to connect to my own animals energies and vibes. I am looking deeper into their eyes, touching them behind the ears to show my love, and reaching out to them to accompany my every step so they know how deeply in love I am with them. My one dog in particular, Jessie seems delighted in this and is even closer than before.

Thursday, January 14, 2010


All of my friends and neighbors in Kenosha, we are poised to raise $25,000 to establish our own dog parks-two of them! The county will match the 25K if we can raise it. I'll be sending out emails to everyone for their donations and I will gladly pick them up, too!

Two parks are planned; on at Petrifying Springs Park, near the park entrance at Highway JR and at the future KD Park 35714 89th Street near Basset Park in the town of Randall. There currently are temporary dog parks at Old Settlers Park, 24100 75th St. in Salem, and Petrifying Springs Park, Area 3, 761 Green Bay Road.

Checks can be mailed to:

Kenosha County Treasurer's Office
1010 56th Street
Kenosha, WI. 53140


Kenosha County Division of Parks
19600 75th Street PO Box 549
Bristol, WI. 53104

Give Early and Often!!!!

Thank you

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Cats-Are you feeding them properly? PLEASE READ!

The Dry Cat Food Crisis
Provided by Feline Future (

The facts about scandalous and poor quality ingredient components of commercial dry cat foods are no new evidence. One thing seldom discussed, however, is the simple nature of these products of being dry and the severe cumulative side effects this leads to when fed in this manner.

Today, dry, commercial cat food is by far the most popular product to feed to companion cats. The attributes which all brands of this product have in common are: "convenient" and "inexpensive" when compared to other methods of feeding cats. In recent years commercial dry foods have been heavily promoted through advertising and by Veterinarians to be the choice of caring, health conscious care givers.

The truth is dry commercial cat foods are anything but healthy for cats.

First and foremost, the nutritional composition of commercial dry foods does not compare to or reflect the cat's natural diet from which cats have evolved as absolute and true carnivores.
The natural prey diet of the cat contains between 65%-75% water. The cat, having evolved on the plains of Africa, has adapted to quench her water requirements entirely on the moisture content in her prey.

Due to its nature, commercial dry cat food contains no more than 10% moisture.

Cereals create the base of dry commercial foods and make up over half of the foods weight. Cereals frequently used in commercial dry cat foods like corn, rice, and wheat, give the food bulk and structure and represent a cheap source of calories. Cereals are primarily made up of carbohydrates, a nutrient nearly absent in the cat's natural prey diet. The liver and other organs store small amounts of carbohydrates and the cat may receive additional minute amounts of this nutrient through the stomach and intestines of her prey; this however, would never total more than 1-2% carbohydrates compared to the total weight of the prey. However, commercial dry foods may contain as much as 45% carbohydrates. A diet high in carbohydrates will result in obesity, because excessive amounts of this nutrient are converted by the liver to body fat. Since a cat metabolizes primarily fat and protein for energy, most of the carbohydrates in the diet are then stored as body fat.

An analogy:
It is not an exaggeration to compare a commercial dry cat food based diet fed to a cat with a fortified macaroni and cheese dinner diet fed to a human. Both products are overprocessed and based on refined carbohydrates. Added vitamins attempt to compensate for nutrient loss, but the food still lacks many other essentials including enzymes, complete amino acids and fatty acids. Neither reflects the natural diet or nutritional needs of either species. However, in the opinion of the individual consuming it, both taste good . For a more accurate analogy, the macaroni and cheese dinner would need to be modified such that the cheese flavored sauce is a component of the noodles and most importantly these new noodles are served dry to the human!

Water is the most important nutrient. Of course, neither we nor our cats can live on water alone, but its importance is demonstrated by the fact that during the absence of food and water a creature will perish from thirst long before perishing from starvation.

That said, we don't claim that cats die of dehydration when fed on a commercial dry cat food diet, because most cats will have a supplementary source of water available of which they will take advantage. Or do they?

We mentioned previously how cats evolved as dwellers of the African plains and desserts, and their adaptation of stilling their needs for water with the moisture content of their prey. During the past 40 million years, the cat did not need to rely on supplementary water intake and, even if needed, the cat would not readily do so, because to her it is not natural.

1 cup (85 gm) of dry commercial cat food rehydrated with 225 ml water to contain a 75% moisture yields over 2 cups of food.
On average, natural foods contain 70% water. A cat fed a commercial dry food diet will consume approximately one cup of the product per day. For an adequate water intake, the cat would need to drink 225 ml (8oz) supplemental water per day! If she does not consume this adequate amount, dehydration will set in.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Jackson Browne-The Fielders Best Friend!

Funny how dogs choose their "people."

I could be standing in the kitchen with a raw porterhouse steak, begging Jackson to be my best friend, but his loyalty is completely to my husband, Wes. Why? Well, we have our theories, and mine is that its the testosterone talking, but Jackson, known in our family as Browne, Mr. Browne or Jackson is 100% Wes' dog.

Jackson came to our life as a Mother's Day 2007 gift to me. I found him on Craigslist Chicago and wrote his past pet parent a heart felt letter about what wonderful people we are and how perfect a home we could provide for him, hoping they would choose us. Add our proximity to the lake, a raw diet and we had that magical combination.....we were lucky enough to be chosen to be Jackson's new parents. He was on his second home already and wanted him to be a permanent fixture in ours.

On the drive home from Gary, Indiana, I sung into Jackson's ears the tune of "Jackson", by Johnny and June Carter Cash. You see, his original name was Teddy. I substituted the words "Yes, we're going to Jackson for "Yes, your new name is Jackson" all the way home. He sat in my lap the entire trip.

We went through all the trials and tribulations of new puppy parents and along the way realized that we had one of the sweetest, most loyal, most guarding pups a boy and girl could ever want. But not until we called him a pain in the ass at least 100 times.

Jackson is Wes' dog. So much so that when I get out of bed in the morning, Jackson takes my spot, and then some and loves all over Wes. Often times I ask Wes if he wants a cigarette. Sometimes I feel like I've walked in on them. Nothing frisky goes on, of course, but their inseparable bond is there, and its undeniable. They are in love with each other.

With Wes being a ball player and all, and my business being a sponsor, it was a perfect fit for Jackson to be associated with the new Zion team, THE LAKE COUNTY FIELDERS. Jackson is the official ball dog for the team. He'll be catching balls at the games this coming year, being the mascot for Wisconsin Pet Care during Dog Day this June, 2010 and will be hamming it up with the team in the dugout. We're hoping for a big turn out for everyone to meet our boy, as I'm sure he'll be quite the comedian and athlete when the team is at their home games.

Why is Jackson so special? Well, he's a big sweetie, a big love and a big chocolate love chunk. Nothing more to say. I feel protected around him, loved around him and entertained by him. He's a winning combination in my book. Plus, if looks can kill, we'd all be dead, because, without question, he's the most handsome boy in our Allendale neighborhood!

Friday, January 8, 2010

Jessie Mae Mendelsohn Thomas

Jessie Mae came to us as a fluke-but not a universal fluke. I always say that Jessie chose us. When we lived in Chicago, we weren't allowed to have pets. We did have a cat, which we needed to later re home but we yearned for a dog. So, what better way to have a dog than to volunteer our time as a rescue transport? Wes and I are always eager to help any animal, whenever possible, so this was a wonderful route for us.

What did we do? Well, we were, and still are a group of volunteers who are a tag team of drivers helping pups and kitties get from high kill shelters to a safe haven or a forever home. Jessie was our passenger, along with a cat and we were the last stop/drivers to the shelter.

During our drive, Jessie was an angel. In fact, so much an angel, that she decided to mark me as her own-she kept putting her paw on me whenever I turned back to look at her. I fell in love during our 2 hour drive time. By the time we got to our destination, Wes and I had decided that we needed to add her to our family-which was a challenge because we lived in an apartment which didn't allow dogs. Ileana Pullos, the head of Fortunate Pup and Lab Rescue of Palatine, IL. graciously held Jessie until we moved into our home in Kenosha, WI. What a gift in and of itself.

Since we've had Jessie, we've discovered the proper way to feed a dog, the most wonderful holistic vet in our area (Healing Oasis in Sturtevant, WI.) and made friends throughout the neighborhood. Jessie is known in our neighborhood as the "duck dog" as she is never without her accessorising-a stuffed animal in her mouth. Literally, we are unable to walk her unless she has a toy in her mouth. Because of this, she has also taught our two standard poodles that they must be accessorized, and each time one of us comes through the door, we are greeted with a plethora of stuffed animals. Its a joyous affair many times a day.

What do I love most about Jessie? Her ability to read my moods. Here's an example. When my mother passed away in September of 2007, she didn't leave my side for weeks. She knew the pain I was in, and wanted to lend a hand. I had hand surgery yesterday and she has glued herself to me. Because of her sensitivity, I adore her, and I love that she always positions herself on the couch to keep my feet warm. On the flip side, she is the most difficult dog to walk-including every one of my customers. How this happened is beyond me, and I've thrown in the towel with training because she's unfortunately proven that "You can't teach and old dog new tricks." Tricks, I could care less, but walking without pulling or swerving would be nice.....

Jessie Mae is a wonder dog. Diagnosed at age 8 with hip dysplasia, she gets around like her younger siblings due to her wonderful holistic supplemental regimine. Thank goodness for herbs and not having the suggested surgery from a western vet. She is a lovely age at 11 and sweet, mature, mellow and loving. She is a huge part of our family...and is truly our "marshmallow love girl."

Honestly-It's Great Food

Is your Dog a Candidate for Raw?
I've been feeding my pups THE HONEST KITCHEN food since the day I brought them home. And to be perfectly honest, I wouldn't feed them anything else unless its a combination with THE HONEST KITCHEN food. I never take my pups to the vet because of their outstanding health...and I truly believe that this food is a huge part of why they are so healthy!
Here is an article from THE HONEST KITCHEN website:
After reading this, if you haven't received samples from me, or need advice, please contact me.
The Skinny on raw food diets.
There are many factors to consider in choosing whether to move to a raw food diet for Fido. Different vets have different opinions, and online forums and other resources contain a mind-boggling amount of information and opinions on the merits and pitfalls of food choices. Here’s a simple set of considerations to help you make the choice.

The Pros and Cons of Raw:

Pet food can contain many of the same contaminants that may be present in raw meat and fish that people eat. Bacteria such as e-Coli and Salmonella are most effectively destroyed by cooking. For that reason, many experts believe the safest solution is to feed only cooked foods to pets.
However, from a physiological standpoint, Fido has a shorter gastrointestinal tract than his human counterparts. This means that a raw diet can pass through much more quickly, thus reducing the time in which any harmful bacteria could multiply. This allows Fido to excrete the bacteria before it reaches harmful levels. Choosing meat from reputable sources along with safe, proper handling and storage are also essential to risk reduction.
Some raw diets contain whole bones. Avid raw feeders often include whole animals such as chickens or rabbits in their feeding protocols. There is a chance that bone shards can cause medical complications with this type of feeding. As raw food diets have gained popularity, the incidence of veterinary procedures to remove bones from the GI tract has also increased. When swallowed, whole, raw bones or bone shards can obstruct the intestines, cause constipation, lodge in the roof of the mouth and break the teeth in extreme cases. For this reason, a commercially prepared raw diet or an investment in a high-powered food grinder are wiser choices.
Many pet owners who do feed a raw diet, however, report improved skin and coat condition, cleaner teeth, fresher breath, improved resistance to disease and parasites and fewer allergies.
The Pros and Cons of Cooked
Cooking, especially canning and extrusion, which involve very high pressure and extreme heat, can make foods less nutritious. High heat destroys many enzymes and antioxidants. Cooking at high temperatures can also alter the molecular structure and amino acid profiles of food ingredients. Some studies have suggested that cooking under high heat and pressure can also result in the formation of cancer-causing compounds in foods that would otherwise be healthy.
Kibbled diets (those produced by extrusion) are also linked with bloat—the debilitating and often life-threatening condition that affects thousands of dogs in the U.S. every year. There is some indication that raw-fed dogs do not seem to get bloat, at least not with the same frequency as those who eat kibble.
Many cooked diets contain an abundance of grains and these can increase the incidence of allergy-based health problems, such as itching, ear infections and GI upset.
At the end of the day, you—as Fido’s guardian—need to be comfortable and confident in feeding him fresh raw food (whether commercial or home prepared). But with a little research and a gradual transition, raw food can be a wonderful alternative for many dogs.
As an ambassador to THE HONEST KITCHEN, please contact me if you would like to discuss further.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Dixe Mendelsohn Thomas

Many of us have that "special" animal, and I'm no exception. For me, its this wonderful Standard Poodle, named Dixie. She is also known as "Little Bit" around the house and on the playground. She is a sister to Jackson Browne and Jessie Mae, and the girlfriend of Fritz the Black Lab, Paul the Basset Hound and Danny the Phantom Standard Poodle.

Dixie came to our family from Petfinder, in Dixon, IL. Her mother was a puppy mill dog and had a horrific life. She gave birth to six puppies, and only three survived. When we first saw Dixie we were smitten by her brother; a green eyed apricot Standard Poodle. It was a tough decision, but the gender had something to do with it, as we already had a dominant male and didn't seek any future issues. When I held her the first time, she snuggled right into my neck, so the decision was more or less made for me. I often wonder how her siblings are faring today and think about their situations and if they turned out as well as our Dixie.

Raising a puppy is quite an experience. It takes patience, persistence, love, devotion and a strong sense of humor. There are times when you want to kill them, find a new home for them or swallow them you love them so much. I always seem to fall into the later category, as she takes my heart away on a daily basis. She gives long, sweet, "Velcro Kisses" and we have named her our French Vanilla Kiss. (Jackson, our chocolate standard is our "chocolate love chunk" and Jessie Mae, our senior yellow lab is our "Marshmallow Love Girl")

My husband, Wes and I believe in the power of animal communicators. We use Terri O'Hara out of Oregon and she is an absolutely amazing woman. When she read the pet family, she said that Dixie had big plans and that she wasn't going to be just another pretty face. She has big dreams. I see it every day. Dixie, much like myself is a little stubborn, a lot independent, a big, big lover, sweet, kind, good, amiable, fun, zany, precocious and enjoys getting into mischief. My fondest memory thus far is this past week. She found a turkey carcass where I meet my friend Karen and her dog Fritz and was proudly prancing around with it as if she had caught a fox in her mouth.

When I look into Dixie's eyes I feel a love that I've never felt before. It's almost comparable to looking into Wes' eyes-the love I feel is inexplicable. She is so good, so kind, so wonderful and capable of showing how she feels about me that it makes me both proud and sad at the same time. I know her time with me on earth is short and I have to make the most of every precious minute with her. There is an energy and understanding between us that I've yet to experience. I'm just so lucky that she chose us and allowed us to somehow get into her path to rescue her.

Candadian Snafu

One of the most wonderful parts about being a pet sitter is the ability to look at nature while I'm walking my pups, especially when it's above 10 degrees and I'm dressed for the occasion. This morning was especially wonderful. It seemed toasty. And I'm talking 22 degrees. (Why I wasn't wearing a bikini was beyond me) While walking Paul the Basset Hound and Dixie, my standard poodle, I noticed a ruckus up above us. I generally love seeing nature at its best and seeing Canadian Geese form into their pointed alignment, but today was complete chaos. Three gaggles, if that's the correct term, were flying above us and unsure of their formation. Is Armageddon coming? Seriously. Imagine these wonderful flyer's unsure of themselves? Is this a reflection of the current economic condition-we are all so unsure of what to do with ourselves? I marveled at their indecision and lack of direction, literally, and quite flabbergasted, have yet to experience anything like this in my lifetime.

Another interesting thing happened. Out of the blue, a former boyfriend contacted me. How did he find me-I have no clue. My name was different when we were dating, but he managed to find me on Facebook. We chatted briefly and it seemed like no time had passed in between us. He is miserable in California-I can't say I blame him. But that's another story for another day. Thanks for calling and finding me, Raffy!

And Noah....I just saw you, too. Want to talk about it?

Welcome Friends, Followers, Customers and Those Yet to Meet!

Welcome to my blog. After watching Julie and Julia this past weekend, I thought to myself-"why not"? Two billion of us blogging could certainly welcome one more blogger to the mix.
My intent for this blog is to help educate my friends, followers, customers, and future customers. If you find something that I say interesting, please don't be shy about posting a comment or tell me to pound salt. I have a very thick skin from working in NYC for 10 years in the garment industry.
Before I head out to walk Paul, the Basset Hound with my sweet Dixie, keep warm everyone, and get ready for snow shoveling tomorrow. I'll have a great excuse; I'm having hand surgery which will render me useless for the day and possibly days ahead. Those of you who need an excuse, this one is completely acceptable, so use it and use it often!